University of Udine

parue le 12/06/2024
Europe En ITA History Economic and Social Sciences Arts and Humanities Geography Sciences and Technologies Law and Political Sciences Health (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental, Sports) Engineering Other

University’s presentation

UNIUD is a young dynamic university whose mission, since its foundation in 1978, has been to promote higher education by imparting knowledge and generating new ideas at the cutting edge of society.

The key of our success at both the national and international level is the quality and enthusiasm of all of its components.


Via Palladio n. 8

33100 Udine

Social Network

Fields of Education

  • Arts and Humanities
  • History
  • Economic and Social Sciences
  • Geography
  • Sciences and Technologies
  • Law and Political Sciences
  • Health (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental, Sports)
  • Engineering
  • Other

Contact person for the incoming exchange students

International Student Service

Other fields of education

Modern Languages

Do you have a Buddy system?


Academic calendar (link)

Number of students in the institution

More than 15000

Proportion of international students


Main language of instruction for the courses open to international students


Level required

  • A2
  • B1

Official certification

Official certification not asked

Other languages of instruction


Level required for the other languages

  • A2
  • B1

Official certification for the other languages

Official certification not asked

Catalogue of courses taught in English

Clarifications about the courses

In order to check the language of teaching, your outgoing students need to check it inside the voice Study Plan and Teaching

Information about Online Courses & Distance Learning


Linguistic support

Yes. Our Language labour offers free Italian language courses taught during winter and spring semesters.

Equivalence of university credits


Additional fees


Services available on the campus

On-campus accommodation solutions?
