Universidad de Zaragoza
Présentation de l'établissement
The University of Zaragoza is a public teaching and research institution whose aim is to serve society. As the largest higher education centre in the Ebro Valley, the University combines almost five centuries of tradition and history (since 1542) with a constantly updated range of courses. Its main mission is to generate and convey knowledge to provide students with a broad education. The University bases its principles on quality, solidarity and openness and aims to be an instrument of social transformation to drive economic and cultural development.
Universidad de Zaragoza
Pedro Cerbuna 12
50009 – Zaragoza – (Spain)
Site Web
Contact pour les étudiants étrangers
Système de parrainage
Système de parrainage
Domaines d'éducation
- Arts and Humanities
- History
- Economic and Social Sciences
- Geography
- Sciences and Technologies
- Law and Political Sciences
- Health (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental, Sports)
- Engineering
Proportion d'étudiants étrangers
Calendrier Académique (Lien)
Langue principale d'enseignement pour les cours ouverts aux étudiants internationaux
Niveau requis
- B2
Certification officielle en langue
Certification officielle non demandée
Autres langues d'enseignement
Niveau requis pour les autres langues d'enseignement
- B2
Certification en langue pour les autres langues d'enseignement
Certification officielle non demandée
Catalogue de cours enseignés en Anglais
Lien vers l'offre de formation
Remarques sur les cours
The maximum full time load per semester is 30 credits. A smooth course choice should include courses of degrees offered in just one Faculty/College. Annual courses are not eligible for semester-term stays.
Exchange students are not waived to comply with specific academic requirements of a course when applicable.
Specific academic information is to be requested at Faculty level.
Postgraduate studies are open to exchange students only if assented in the bilateral agreement.
Support linguistique
Held throughout the year, Erasmus students are offered a discount on the tuition fees of intensive courses. These courses are not eligible to be part of the learning agreement and their assessment is not included in the student’s transcript of records
Plus d'informations : cursosdeespanol.unizar.es/en
Frais supplémentaires à payer
Services proposés sur le campus
Accompagnement spécifique pour les étudiants en situation de handicap ou d’ALD
Solutions de logements sur le campus
Offres et coûts des offres de logements sur le campus
Application for on campus Residence Hall (includes information on fares / some rooms adapted for disabled students): wzar.unizar.es/servicios/inter/alojamiento/aloja.
Accommodation service website (information only service): alojamiento.unizar.es